We always welcome donations of outdoor and educational supplies and materials to enrich the school day. This includes healthy snacks, hand warmers, extra clothing, craft supplies, field guides, outdoor gear, rainsuits and tools. Please check out this list for our other current needs. We also are always looking for local goods and services to raffle to donors or use in other fundraising capacities. If you have something of value you'd like to donate, please reach out to us! In exchange, your business will be listed on our Supporters/Partners page!
Choosing The Forest School Foundation as your AmazonSmile charity means that Amazon will donate 0.5% of every eligible purchase you make while doing your regular online shopping to us! Simply copy and paste this link to connect to your shopping cart: https://smile.amazon.com/ch/81-2856163
We welcome the opportunity to partner with like-minded organizations for event sponsorship, or for on-going year-round partnerships at a variety of giving levels. We offer several customized and creative benefits to increase exposure and community reputation for your business.
The gift of time and expertise can go a long way. Please click here for a list of our available work-service opportunities.
Online Fundraisers
If the Forest School mission is important to you, start a fundraiser to accept donations from your social network. This is a great platform because it has a wide reach, and it's super easy - just click to give! Every little bit helps.
Local Businesses
Check out our list of area partners and sponsors and make sure to support them with your business whenever you can!
Paypal Giving Fund
Prefer to make a simple, individual donation online using your credit card? Donate NOW!