Imagine a classroom without walls — roofed only by the sky and surrounded by the endless wonder of nature.
This is a forest school — an educational model which originated in Scandinavia in the 1950s and expanded to other parts of Europe in decades to follow. Today, forest schools have finally made their way to the US, supported by decades of research in childhood development and psychology.
Each year more parents, caretakers and educators are heading out of the schoolhouse and into the woods as they begin to see the value of developing non-cognitive skills and children's social and emotional growth over rigorous testing and traditional academics.
​Forest School Foundation is a registered 501(c)3 founded in 2016 whose mission is to foster and grow the forest school movement in the southeastern states.
The FSF launched their own first year-round preschool program in Asheville, NC, called the Growing Wild Forest School and the organization is dedicated to increasing public awareness and advocacy for this unique and proven educational system.